Izzaks Blog
Monday, April 14, 2008

i had a b day it wos fon .and i haf a phone. here so pic. I went siming .
posted by my4kids at
12:08 PM

Thursday, April 3, 2008
I finst testing and it was esey . and i'm happy it not sown
posted by my4kids at
12:59 PM

Wednesday, April 2, 2008
today I did the stats testing I d
d good I'm post more. my is puppy big she is fun .
posted by my4kids at
3:31 PM

Thursday, November 15, 2007
I got a laptop on the 11/11. so now my mom writ on her blog.
posted by my4kids at
8:04 PM

Sunday, October 28, 2007
Fun Monday "Security Blankets"

Hosted by Karina at
Candid Karina"I want to see your security blankets. No, not the kind Linus carries around with him in the Charlie Brown cartoons, although, if you have one of those, by all means share it. What I want to see are the items you just cannot leave home without. What is it that if you leave your house without, you feel naked, incomplete, not quite right? This can be one thing or many things. And since most of us don't live in a clothing optional society, lets just assume we all leave the house fully dressed...I want to hear about those other things...the extras. The things that make women's purses so heavy and men's pockets so messy (I'm going to get grief for this one, aren't I?) What can't you leave home without? Show us pictures, tell us stories...have fun!"I awes caer my pocketkives becase I just mit ned it.

I have my lethermen for stuof.

i aws have my hat that my mom thris to tho it awey
posted by my4kids at
9:56 PM

Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Hi im in alaska.and im having fon. Im go to pot pitch to mreo. Im had a bad day my cat died of fiting
posted by my4kids at
10:13 PM

Sunday, July 15, 2007
Fun Monday

This my truck I had

and this is the truck that I wont
*note from mom. The first picture is Izzaks and his dad International Scout that they worked on together after it was totalled in an accident they were in together several years ago. It was considered his but he agreed when we decided we were moving that it would be best to sell it and get a different project car to work on with is dad when we get to Alaska. Also Izzak is all about trucks the bigger the better! No cars for this guy....
posted by my4kids at
10:44 PM

This is Izzaks blog, he is 12 years old and wanted his own.

- Name: my4kids
- Location: Ketchikan, Alaska, United States
Hi! My name is Terri
I am married to Kelly and have 4 kids. Izzak,17 has several learning disablities including Dyslexia, Dysgraphia, and others. Don't let any of that give you the wrong idea though he is a great kid and very social. He thinks he's all grown up of course, God help us all. Joshua,15 is my preemie was born at 32 weeks he has ADHD and drives all of us crazy. He also has sleep issues.He is a great kid with lots of energy frequently he will bend over backwards to make his sisters especially happy. Currently doesn't think school is an important thing. McKenzie is our newest teenager generally has a different hair color whenever the mood strikes. Currently it's fuschia (I know I spelled it wrong but I'm being lazy). She is 13 going on 21 and has her very own sense of style. Loves skulls hot pink and black, lol. Madison is the baby of the family and now 11, she's an interesting kid let's just say that lol. She is extremely independant and opinionated. She is not shy and will say what she thinks right from the start. At the moment I am home schooling 3 of them they are in 11th, 9th, 7th and 5th grades this year. Joshua is the only one in school full time.
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